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2023 Year 7 Geography

Geomorphic Hazards

Task timeline

Week 5B

In class

Review work samples to help you understand the task. Commence task

Week 6A

Monday 21st August

Confirm the name (type of hazard, place, date) of the geomorphic hazard event that you are researching – submit to Canvas

Upload your introduction Tuesday 22nd

Week 8A

Monday 4th September

Bring evidence of your work to class for peer feedback

Week 8A

Thursday 7th  September

WORK DUE - Submit task on Canvas AND as a hard copy to your class teacher

Learning Intention

  • To understand a geomorphic hazard

Success Criteria

  • I can describe the causes of a geomorphic hazard
  • I can explain the impacts of a geomorphic hazard
  • I can evaluate responses to a geomorphic hazard
  • I can propose relevant strategies to minimise damage of a future geomorphic hazard

The Task

The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team is the international emergency response system for sudden-onset emergencies. UNDAC was created in 1993 and is designed to help the United Nations and governments of disaster-affected countries during the first phase of an emergency.

You have been asked by UNDAC to investigate a recent natural hazard event (within the last 20 years) and suggest ways in which the emergency response could be improved so as to minimise loss of life, economic and environmental damage for similar hazard events in the future.  You should present your findings as a report using the following structure:

  • 50-100 words - Introduction to the hazard – Where, when, what was the size/scale?
  • 50 -100 words - What was the cause of the hydrologic/atmospheric event?
  • 500 words - What were the impacts?
    • Social – how did the hazard event affect people?
    • Economic – how did the hazard event affect the economy?
    • Environmental – how did the hazard effect the environment?
  • 200-300 words - What was the response? – How did people/the government/organisations react and respond to the event?
  • 200-300 words - What recommendations could you make for similar hazard events which may happen in the future to minimise damage and loss of life?

You should include relevant maps, graphs, diagrams and statistics into your report

Below is a link to the entire Assessment document