Longform, essays from the US
A collection of the best essays from high-end media organisations like The New Yorker, GQ, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone and others. Longform collections are fascinating groups of essays on topics such as The Longform Guide to Manhunts, and The Longform Guide to Sad Retired Athletes.
Thanks to Mrs Simpson for this amazing resource.
"Founded in Melbourne by Rebecca Starford and Hannah Kent in 2009, Kill Your Darlings (KYD) is one of Australia’s most lively and entertaining cultural magazines. The name comes from a quote regularly attributed to the American novelist William Faulkner: ‘In writing, you must kill all your darlings'"
Commentary, memoir, essays, fiction, cultural criticism, interviews and reviews.
Delayed Gratification, essays from the UK
UK slow journalism as an antidote to the speedy fake news of our times. Browse the stories on their blog for free.